Prophecy 25:
Get ready to come to ME today, help to get this word out, PRAY! Warn the four corners of the earth.
Prophecy 34:
What do MY true prophets have to gain by speaking forth words that the majority refuse to listen to? They certainly are not rewarded financially even by those who deem them prophets for how few will help them when the time is necessary. But these trusted messengers of mine have gained the trust of their creator. The few who have blessed this prophet speaking, I will continue to protect and what is MINE is thine and what is thine is MINE. I protect and bless all that bless and pray for blessings upon the ones who speak MY messages as this prophet is doing now. I will share MY secrets with them and warn before the enemy can strike, so they can move out of the way and warn others to do the same. Holy Scriptures are spoken out of context by false prophets and leaders. READ MY WORD!
Prophecy 83:
Away from ME, away from ME, you don't even belong here. Only those who want to sit at the Banquet Table and feast on the truths and will take the spiritual food and feed others belong here. This is MY edict, this is the command I issue from MY throne in Heaven and I have spoken it forth on this day, [Read the Banquet Table dream] Bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, cover this Ministry more in prayer. Cover this Ring Maiden more in your prayers, be a blessing unto them as they are a blessing unto you, or I will ask you one day why you were not? Cover those I call the Two Witnesses. To the Bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, if you ask ME and if you believe, I will tell you the answer, I will reveal to you more about these I call the Two Witnesses. They need your covering, they need your prayers. While they are in mortal flesh, satan seeks to take their lives to silence the truths that I have spoken forth, so cover them in your prayers.
Prophecy 85:
Elisheva, you will find a way to get on that Internet. There is one that wrote you and you are to contact her right away, for it is in MY NAME she continually prays. There is a German Bride you are to call forth; they contacted you once before and now you must find them again. YAHUSHUA has an Italian Bride and when I speak of Bride, I speak of more than just one. Italian Bride of YAHUSHUA, come forth. Send your invitations now and introduce yourself to the Ring Maiden. Are you willing to share what you have with this Ministry? Will you cover them with your prayers and love?
I speak forth these words now. Do not fear, oh Bride in Israel, and think I do not care for I shall send them to you also. This is just a stepping stone to get them there. Bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH in Israel, come forth. Introduce yourself to this Ring Maiden, for it is part of this Ministry's job to pray blessings and protection on the Bride of Israel. You are one with her as she and her husband are one with you. Are you willing to share what you have with this Ministry? Now is the time to start inviting her and start praying and interceding for this Ministry to come and bless the Holy in Israel, to pray the enemies will run away in seven different directions. Judgment will fall on the wicked and they will fall into the Winepress of I, YAHUVEH's wrath. Pray, oh Israel Bride and Bride of the Middle East, who belong to YAHUSHUA for the anointing on this Ministry to be increased so your anointing will increase also.
Prophecy 86: How many of you are obeying? How many lift this Ministry up? How many help it in anyway and yet you still claim your MY Bride? Again I say, "Away from ME you who call yourself MY Bride, who are in disobedience." It doesn't matter what you call yourself. I know MY Bride. If you're not helping, you're hindering and if you're hindering, you're not of ME. For those of you I raised up to give sacrificially again and again, Oh, how you have built up your treasures in Heaven. For truly I say unto you, MY Bride would do this and those whose names are found in the Lamb's Book of Life.
Prophecy 88:
Blessings, blessings, blessings on everyone who has been a prayer covering for this ministry. You have wondered what has been wrong. For Elisheva's voice has been silent since the last prophecy. How few even wrote for they were in such fear. Other letters have been stolen, so the encouragement she could not hear. How many of you heard MY voice and tried to donate to this ministry? Yet your credit cards were blocked but why did not any of you inquire, why?
At the same time, I warn the enemies. I also pronounce a blessing on all those who are a blessing to this ministry and all those who cover her and all those who cover this ministry and who go the extra mile. The message to the Holy, the message to MY Bride, for the Bride of YAHUSHUA is the Bride of YAHUVEH, rejoice! You're one day closer to HIS coming. You're one day closer to YAHUSHUA coming. You're one day closer to Heaven, your home and great, great, great will be your rewards for all that you have sacrificed.
Prophecy 92: YAHUSHUA's demon stompers arise now and cover this Ministry and support it in a way you have never done thus far. Write and encourage them and set a time to pray. Let Elisheva know they are not alone as they take on these battles in MY Name. Encourage them and set a time on the clock to commit to pray for them and ALL the Partners in this Ministry. I have asked this Ministry to take on attacks from humans and demons, and yet now they are asked to fight in a battle that comes from outer space and the realms of hell itself.
You see satan wearies and mocks you now, as one after another proclaims they know the day and hour, and yet again, I repeat MYSELF so none will be deceived. This is why I command you to cover her in prayer, for there is but one I call MY Ringmaiden. Elisheva Eliyahu will not know, until I send the Holy Angels to her, like I have before with other Holy messages given to her. I did this so she can believe, as I sent MY Holy Angels first to Montana then Idaho and South Africa. I will do it again. In South Africa both her and her husband saw Archangel Michael in a place they least expected it, in a restaurant in Camps Bay, South Africa. Michael had instructions to appear before her, it was a Heavenly Spiritual connection.
How few of you reading this would be willing to pay this price. Most reading this are focused on their own world, their own life and family. They are not out on the front lines of faith doing spiritual warfare. Now is the time for YAHUSHUA's demon stompers to arise and cover this Ministry, support and encourage this Ministry and Prophet. Defend this Ministry, for you are fed by MY hand through this Ministry. It is green pastures for MY sheep and lambs.