sayeth the Lord GOD of Hosts, "I will show I do reward those
that diligently seek after ME. Prove ME and see this is the year you
have waited for. Join together around the world through the miracle
of the computer, link together, stand together and you will see a
greater outpouring of the RUACH ha KODESH (Holy Spirit) as never
you shall stir up one another's gifts that have lay dormant or been
seldom used. You shall be joined together in the Spirit without even
stepping on a plane, you will be one in ME and through the miracle of
this computer technology that although satan uses it for his evil, I
use it even more for MY Praise, Honor and Glory. MY Prophets will be
using it to convey MY messages so listen carefully this year so you
will know what to expect before it happens.
you read these prophecies the gifts I have given you will stir one
another's RUACH ha KODESH's (Holy Spirit) gifts up to a high degree.
Children, I have anointed you to share the gifts I have given you.
You have not had the confidence to do so, the way I have anointed you
to do it. But this day I have ordained,
you have met with MY Handmaiden and her gifts and yours have become
enemy divides you even before I can join you together. But don't
think you're indispensable. For I will raise up other warriors to
take your place. This is your last chance. REPENT! Not all of you
have the same gifts. I have given unique gifts to a selected few.
Daniel came searching for a word. You Daniel have been rewarded this
day. Once again I used you to stir up the gifts in MY Handmaiden. You
both did not know I had made an appointment for you to meet online,
but I did. This message is not just for you Daniel but once again
Beloved Son, I have used you to speak forth to all MY Children.
have led you to this place to minister to those that have ears to
hear and eyes to see. All other will remain deaf. I have given you
many messages. Share what I have given that you will know is to be
shared for this sister will know it is of ME.
Son Chuck, you must post the dream and I will give you one
interpretation of the dream. But
call forth the Apostles, and call forth the Prophets, for each one
will have a part if they will but obey and they will tell you the
full revelation of that dream.
For, MY Children, the heathen bring devastation and I allow it. But
those that cry out to ME, in MY Son YAHUSHUA's NAME, they will be in
the Ark of MY safety, I will protect them from devastation and pain.
In big letters put this date and time down along with the dream and
tell them, just as in the days of Noah, just as in the days of Lot,
all the nations of Europe now I, YAHUVEH call you forth. Come
and gather with this Ring Maiden, for there is a new anointing that
will be imparted as all of you bring your lantern lights together, it
will block out more of the darkness around Europe. Think about it.
The more light, the less darkness, Europe you have been covered in
darkness. But I bring the light to dispel the darkness.
European Bride, are you willing to share what you have with this
Ministry? Are you willing to bring your anointing together?
Bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, I speak to those in Europe now. Are
you willing to share what you have with this Ministry? Bring
your brightly lit spiritual lanterns together and be a blessing to
one another and bring them as the five wise virgins did. The lights
shall grow as a lighthouse beacon light and your anointing shall grow
and together you will become one in ME. Oh, the signs, wonders and
miracles you shall see in YAHUSHUA's Holy NAME if you will but just
have faith and believe. I,YAHUVEH
shall be Glorified, for the Glory of MY Son YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.
I speak forth these words now. Do
not fear, oh Bride in Israel, and think I do not care for I shall
send them to you also. This is just a stepping stone to get them
there. Bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH in Israel, come forth. Introduce
yourself to this Ring Maiden, for it is part of this Ministry's job
to pray blessings and protection on the Bride of Israel. You are one
with her as she and her husband are one with you. Are you willing to
share what you have with this Ministry? Now is the time to start
inviting her and start praying and interceding for this Ministry to
come and bless the Holy in Israel, to pray the enemies will run away
in seven different directions.
Judgment will fall on the wicked and they will fall into the
Winepress of I, YAHUVEH's wrath. Pray, oh Israel Bride and Bride of
the Middle East, who belong to YAHUSHUA for the anointing on this
Ministry to be increased so your anointing will increase also.
one cannot just have the Holy Fire, one cannot just have the Truth
for as they take the Truths from this Ministry, there is a driving
force from Heaven that compels that light with everyone. They can no
longer keep silent than you can keep silent for truly it is Holy Fire
shut up within their bones and the Prophecies are like a golden chain
and it wraps around this world to bind the enemies for it is the
Truth, the knowledge of the Truth that sets the captives free when it
brings all Praise, Honor and Glory to MY Son YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. So
light the torch once again. And tell Coenrad to only shout louder and
do not underestimate the power of this enemy.