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Prophecy 85:

I, YAHUVEH speak to the International Bride of YAHUSHUA. I give you this mandate. Help this Ring Maiden to reach this world for YAHUSHUA's Glory. Volunteer and translate these prophecies into your various languages. There is a Hebrew member of the Bride of YAHUSHUA who reads this now and knows they are to translate all the prophecies into Hebrew. Another knows they are to translate these prophecies into African and Arabic. Why have you not come forth and introduced yourself to this Ministry? Why does not the International Bride of YAHUSHUA obey and use the blessings, gifts and talents I, YAHUVEH have given you? Why are you burying them where they are no value to anyone?

To the others who have started working on the translations of the prophecies into your languages, I have this question for you. Why do you not finish what you started, the work on the wall, do you care so little about your own country? All of you who have done this, I will ask you this question one day before MY throne. Be prepared to have an answer, for you were called and appointed to this task, and yet have not completed this task. This delays YAHUSHUA coming for HIS Bride, for these prophecies and messages must be in many tongues before HE returns. Bride of YAHUSHUA in all International Nations, I caused this couple to forever leave their homeland, leaving all worldly possessions behind, to come and be a blessing and share what they have with you. Is this really too much to ask of you? Are you willing to share what you have with this Apostolic Messianic Jewish Pentecostal Ministry? Assemble Holy intercessors to pray for them on a continued basis, for the battle is fierce but the Victory is already done for YAHUSHUA's Praise, Honor and Glory!

Prophecy 98:

For those of you who think you can attack, you have only fallen into satan's traps and he laughs at you for he knows what I will do to you. To those of you who say, "I will give you land. Here Amightywind, here Elisheva Eliyahu, here I will give you land. I will give you houses. I will give you islands. I will tithe forever into your Ministry, just do it my way." Away from ME! There is no strings attached to any gifts you give this Ministry! All you have done is taken a rope and hung yourself!Every, every, every Prophecy that I have spoken forth from this Ministry, ought to be transcribed into Afrikaans and others of Africa for I have placed in the very midst of you Prophets that you do know their spirits.

Prophecy 100:

Elisheva MY Darling One, there is even another reason of importance, why this Hebrew translator must obey for this is why the angel shoved him, shoves them for there is more than one that's been called. You can not enter into Israel until the Words have come forth into Hebrew.

For many years now you have known and you even tried to go ahead of MY timing before [the one called Niko] came when another name Nick ___ called you but that was before MY timing and as he sat there and waited and even said he had the accomodations, it was the wrong Nick. Satan sought to go before MY timing. All of this is going to be included for I speak now to the heart of the Hebrew who reads this. How much do you love your people? Do you not want them also to know the Truth? The Holy angel shoves you for you put other things before the work that I have ordained for you to do. You see Elisheva I tell you that you're going fishing. I give you a Teaching on fishing and then I tell you to go to the number 3 most read news site on the internet and go fishing and show them the Truth that I have spoken forth from this ministry, not from a newscaster's lips.

Now I tell you this! Even the humble myspace, I told you Elisheva you would reach millions of souls. All of them are bait to lead them here, to get the Truth that they are not getting from any organized church. Oh I have a remnant. I have a few but there are more that do not speak forth MY Truth, so few and so far between. And now I tell you this, the Hebrew translator shall come forth for this is even deeper foreign waters I send you into. But beware for if you think the battles have been tough thus far, when I send you into heathen waters, when I send you forth into the waters where the Orthodox Jews dwell, even the kaballah shall be used against you. They shall cast their curses. But what they are going to find out, those curses shall return back unto their own face for Israel is full of the occult, occult that you do not understand, have never learned, for I have never even allowed you to even have heard of these things but you shall have Wisdom that which you do not have now, where you've not yet encountered the enemy that will come at you when these Prophecies are translated into Hebrew. The very son of satan will rise up and send others to try to devour you. Remember this, no Zionist Jew is of ME. Zionism is not Holy.

I tell you this in advance so you will understand why the Hebrew translator has not yet come forth. But now is the time! I have been dealing with these for there are more than one and although they have held back, now MY Holy angels shoves them on! Write this Ringmaiden! Write this ministry! I speak to the heart of the translators now and I could even give your names but I will not allow the enemy to know your names. And words to the wise, to the Hebrew translators, do not use your true name.

Prophecy 104:

I speak a word of gratitude and love to MY translators who take the prophecies and messages and transcribe them in the tongues of different languages.

Prophecy 106:

Your secret sin is not doing the work I called you to do. When I hand you a task and I say, "Do this to reach the tongues of your people" and you say, "Oh no, I have too much of my own personal problems now" and your eyes are focused on the heathen more than the souls, more than the sheep and the lambs that need (to be) fed. This is sin in MY eyes, for you put your hand to the plow and you looked back. You took your hand off the plow. You stopped tilling that soil and seeding it and speaking forth these Words in your own native tongue so others can be fed. The spirit of selfishness has come upon you. You know who I speak of. You know what translators have let ME down. I will not continue to wait. I will raise up someone else to take your place. (Elisheva saw a vision at this time with the word China)