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YAH’s words to HIS children

Prophecy 4:
I am not angry with you. I love you, and I will shelter and protect you. Yes, even when you see the world shaken in MY rage, cry out to ME. I will be there to comfort you.

Prophecy 6:
Remember, I am for you, all Heaven stands at MY command.

Prophecy 8:
I brought you to this site to encourage you and to soothe your ravaged heart. For you and I know the pain you feel. The rejection is not for you though, but they are rejecting a part of ME.

You are MY Beloved and MY Warrior and I have called thee and ordained thee and no one can take that from you.

Prophecy 9:
I know MY Children, and they know ME, and I know all those who are MY enemies.

Prophecy 10:
You are a living sacrifice to ME. The work you are doing is not done in your strength and might, but under MY strength and might. Though you are weary many times, remember to call upon MY strength, MY boldness. Remember to call upon MY courage, MY gifts, for ye shall encounter evil forces.

MY Beloved know this; everything that happens is orchestrated by the Master's hands. Though it appears to be evil, I will turn it around for good. Even satan's plans, I shall turn around and deliver you in such a mighty way. People will have to acknowledge that the GOD you serve, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH still rules and reigns and lives and there is none like unto ME.

But I shall speak forth the words of rebuke when they come against you with their curses. You shall say, "The GOD I serve, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH is greater than any evil you can do unto me, and he says not one hair on my head shall perish if I don' t fear and I fear no man or devil for I hold the keys to Heaven, YAHUSHUA is that Holy Key."

Prophecy 13:
Those who support MY Ministries that speak forth MY Word, do it not for their praise, honor and glory, but for MY Praise, Honor and Glory. So that their goodness will be a reflection of the GOD they serve. What a joy you are to ME.

Prophecy 16:
Like the walls of Jericho have crumbled to dust. Like David Slaying Goliath. Don't try and understand, only believe what I have spoken will come to pass. I shall have you stationed on the wall like a Nehemiah but your stations shall be around the world and you shall not come down from building the temple until I say the job is finished. Your Job will be finished when I come again, not because of anything she does, but because she speaks forth MY roar of the Lion of Judah.

Prophecy 19:
These vices you have used as a crutch but I am going to deliver you from anything you feel you need to bring you peace and comfort for I am all you need. I YAHUVEH am sufficient in all things. But everything has a time and a season and I will not put on you more than you can bear. Yes MY Beloved, you have suffered for MY NAME sake. Yes you have been called mentally ill but those that call you these names are spiritually ill. You weep but they are MY tears. You sigh but it is MY sighing. You grieve but it is MY grief. Those that say they love you know not the true meaning of love or they would understand this. Do not judge them harshly for they are doing the best they can do with the spirits inside of them.

Prophecy 20:
Don't forsake ME for the god of this world.

Prophecy 23:
This time when this new plague comes forth it will come upon those that have claimed to be MINE and yet they do not know ME. They have stolen the tithes and offerings. They claim to be MINE and yet they do not even know ME. They do not even care. They have beaten MY Sheep and driven them away and when they could not control them they have shut their mouths and they have beaten them into submission and driven them away. Oh, come unto ME your Lord, your GOD, your Savior MY Sheep and Lambs for I am the only Good Shephard. I will nurse your wounds, and I will give you rest.

Prophecy 25:
Jealously guard your heart and soul. You, who have given it to ME, let no one lead you astray from loving your first LOVE. Serving your fist LOVE, Remaining true to your first LOVE or I will deny you as MINE. Let no one steal your BLESSED HOPE. MY Word does not lie.

Whatsoever you speak in faith you shall have in YAHUSHUA's NAME. How much do you love ME? Then will you trust ME? Will you long and pant for your ALMIGHTY GOD Lord and SAVIOR your soon Coming KING OF KINGS and LORD OF LORDS to keep you above the wrath that is to come? Your future depends on your faith. Your faith depends on where you spend eternity. Listen closely and heed MY Words, I will speak to each of you at the proper time as to what to do and what to say. Just stop doubting ME in anyway.  

Prophecy 36:
Strive not or worry not, be anxious for nothing, lean not unto thy own understanding but in all thy ways acknowledge ME, pray to ME, seek ME, love ME, obey ME and I shall not disappoint MY faithful ones who do this. Hide under the shelter of MY wings till this evil passes over. Put the Blood of YAHUSHUA on your mind, body, spirit, and soul. Place it on your doors and windows so the demons cannot enter in. Speak it in faith and then hold on tight to the hem of YAHUSHUA's garment, his robe of righteousness and don't let go. The darkness of man's soul shall be represented in the eclipse, the darkness of the sin covering the land, the darkness where MY light is not welcome. Oh I will grieve for what I have to do, yet it has been pre-ordained, pre-told, you have been forewarned if you study MY WORD.

Prophecy 39:
Those reading this that are still baby Eagles, don't worry. The more spiritually mature anointed Holy Eagles shall nourish you, and protect you, and even teach you how to war in the spiritual realm, in a higher realm then you have soared before. Anointed Holy Eagles be warned! The unholy vultures are gathering against you and are going to try and devour you as prey. But you will not become prey if you will seek MY face and humble yourself and pray for MY instructions and soar higher when I tell you to soar and dive bomb the enemy when I tell you to dive. They will be the prey in MY Holy Name, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Anointed Holy Eagles of MINE, I have hidden and taught you for such a time like this. Seek MY face in a new way. Believe that you have heard MY voice in the wilderness for I have called and you have known what to do when the time would come.

Prophecy 42:
MY true Apostles and Prophets do not need a prophets' school. They are schooled in the schooling of hard knocks as they are knocked down again and again in the flesh but when they arise it is with a greater anointing and no longer the flesh that rises up but MY RUACH ha KODESH that rises up. A prophets' school cannot teach what only the RUACH ha KODESH can teach. What price can be put upon such a gift as I bestow to MY apostles and prophets? Who dares teach how to prophesy? Woe be unto these false fleshly teachers of lies merely to line their pockets with gold and silver.

Prophecy 54:
I tell you this, I depend on you, I depend on the words that I speak through you to reach MY people, to encourage MY people. So you ask ME what it is that you must learn. You must learn to do things in MY timing and not in your timing.  

Prophecy 68:
MY Beloved Children I'm not angry with you. I am grieving at the pain this world causes ME. First I get silent and I grieve then you're going to see MY wrath unleashed.

Prophecy 69:
Yes, I will have martyrs for just as surely as Stephens blood spilled into the ground there stood a man named Saul, who I changed his name to Paul. As Stephen's blood splattered on him, as he held his coat, the anointing on Stephen came upon Saul who became Paul. So what am I saying when I say this? A martyr's blood is never wasted. It only raises up more Stephens, more Saul's who became Paul's. To MY Beloved trusted ones filled with MY anointing who look to ME each day and pray, 2003 will hold blessings for you as I burn the dross away. For the trials of your faith MY Children are more precious than any gold. Learn to praise ME MY Children no matter what your life holds.

Prophecy 88:
MY ways are so much higher than your ways. You cannot even begin to comprehend what I speak of. Your minds are not able to take it in. Even now you struggle and you want to know more. It is not for you to know. It is not for you to understand. Only know that 'I AM' YAHUVEH and it will be exactly, accurately as I have planned.  

Prophecy 90:
How long will you insist on only sucking on the milk of the word? Are you still not able to eat strong spiritual meat? You who live Holy and truly put the Holy Trinity first in your life and love, you have taken the time to get to know Abba YAHUVEH, you have taken the time to get to know YAHUSHUA, you pray and use their Sacred Hebrew NAMES. Do you not want to have a greater love and intimacy with the one you call the HOLY SPIRIT or RUACH ha KODESH?

Prophecy 92:
You must be a water walker in your faith. Keep on the path of Holiness, for narrow is the path to Heaven and broad is the path to hell. Even if no one else surrounding you follows the path I have laid before you, do not turn back Little One. I am not going to promise the path will be easy, but it will be worth it. The path to Heaven is full of sacrifices, but remember I your YAHUSHUA your MESSIAH, gave the greatest sacrifice of all.

The plans I have for you MY treasure is for good and not for evil. When you are lonely turn to your beloved ABBA YAHUVEH, and I your only deliverer and MESSIAH. Remember the sweet HOLY SPIRIT within you is your MOMMA RUACH ha KODESH and she is closer to you than your next breath. When you cry allow her to rock you in the cradle of her arms, giving you a peace that passes all understanding.

Remember your body is the temple of your MOMMA RUACH ha KODESH, so whatever happens to your body happens to her also. Stay in truth and Holiness and never allow satan to defile you, for I have given you an anointing and gifts you know not, but in due time it will be revealed. Continue to seek MY footsteps each day, for the footsteps of the Holy are ordained by I, YAHUSHUA, and your ABBA YAHUVEH.

Your name Beloved One is engraved on the palms of MY hands done at Calvary. I suffered in your place, so you would be saved and have access to YAHUVEH and Heaven once again. I love you Little One, with a love that no man or woman can compare with. I have stored up all of your Holy tears, each vial of tears that you have shed for MY Name SAKE.

There is coming a day very soon when you will have to pray and discern, should you witness to this person or will it be a trap of the government? Any nation that loses their religious freedoms is because they allowed the governments to strip them away little by little until all that is left is a dictatorship and a work of the antichrist! America and Europe, how far you have fallen from MY grace and mercy.

Prophecy 103:
So now, MY Darling Ones, be encouraged. Now you know how I, YAHUVEH, grade you and by your fruit I do know you. By the fruits of this Ministry, you do know it, for you know that it has been a blessing unto you and this day I have given you fresh manna from Heaven to eat and poured into you new wine and you have eaten good fruit, for those who truly belong to MY Only Begotten Son, YAHUSHUA, your MASHIACH. For some of you the work has just begun, for some of you your work is coming to an end. Ask ME your grade and if I think you can handle it, I will tell you.

Prophecy 104:
MY Spirit has drawn each one of you to this Ministry for MY divine purpose. Now Elisheva, I share MY earthly treasures with you. MY Holy children who are MY most precious of Jewels. They live Holy because they want to be pleasing unto YAHUVEH and not bring ME shame. Beloved Chidren, continue to abide in I, YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH, and I shall continue to abide in you, and for eternity in Heaven with ME you will reside.

Prophecy 106:
In this year how man marks time, they say it is 2009. You see I don't only ask these questions to you, I ask these questions to all those that believe the Truth comes forth from this Ministry and that I speak forth. What do you want ME to do? Do you want ME to open the Red Sea again so you can safely cross over as the enemies pursue you? (Exodus 15:4) Do you want these enemies to be drown so they can not harm you? What do you want ME to do?  

Prophecy 107:
So _______ this all started from a dream. A warning so this new Word could come forth just to let everyone know how fearsome and awesomely all of you are made. I am the one who even 'types' your blood. Oh those who are MINE, MY Beloved Ones, oh how I love you. I planned each day when you were in your mother's womb. I gave you a choice, but I even know and it's written down what choices you made for I foreknow all things. I can predetermine it predestine, for I know what choices you make even before you make them. (Romans 8:29-30, Ephesians 1:3-12) So don't forget this. I know what sins you'll commit even before you commit that sin. I know the next thought in your head even before you think it. That's how awesome you are made. I know the last number of breaths your lungs shall take before you are removed off this earth, before your spirit is taken away. That's how awesomely you are made and who alone knows all these things?

I am YAHUVEH and I tell you all this for the purpose of not only knowing, for you knowing how valuable you are to ME. Those who love MY Son YAHUSHUA. Those who call and honor HIM as MASHIACH, King of Kings, almighty God MY only begotten Son. I tell you all of this to let you know, am I not able to take care of you when I know all things? Where I know where the next trap satan lays for you is. Am I not able to tell you, do not walk that way? Just trust ME. Just trust MY Son. Trust MY Spirit that lives within you. Right now I do not speak to the heathen. Trust the precious RUACH ha KODESH. Lean onto ME, rest you head on MY shoulder. I am your Abba YAHUVEH, trust ME. I know who are MINE and I know whose names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life.(Psalm 37:3) Just as I know whose names are written in the book of the damned and these are those who are the spawn of satan.

Lean not unto thy own understanding but in ALL, ALL, ALL of your ways trust ME and I promise you I will direct thy path.(Proverbs 3:5-6) Seek ME while I can still be found. Call upon the Name of YAHUSHUA MASHIACH, HE will not forsake you, HE will not let you down.(Romans 10:13) Obey ME. Submit your will to ME.(Act 5:29) Study and show thyself approved. Study the Holy Scriptures. Know what pleases I, YAHUVEH, (Ephesians 5:17) and most of all accept MY only begotten Son as the only righteousness and the only Blood and the only Name that will get you back to Heaven.(John 8:29) For those whose names are written in the Book of Life. Heaven is your only true home. On this earth you have just roamed.(2 Corinthians 5:1-2)

Prophecy 108:
For the Words I will speak will be of FIRE. Just know that you do sparkle before ME, all of those who walk in MY holiness and MY truth, who truly know what Purim represents, what it is about. Just know this, you sparkle before ME, you wear the finest garments for there can be no finer garment than the Robe of Righteousness that MY Son YAHUSHUA puts around you. Just know this, as the enemies plot the destruction of the holy, so I also know how I will destroy the unholy.

Now is not yet the time to speak forth Words of FIRE MY daughter. Be patient. I just give these few words of encouragement to you. That I your Abba YAHUVEH am pleased. I am pleased with MY spiritual Israel, those who walk in the footsteps that I ordain for them as holy, those whose ears are inclined to every word I speak. MY Children, MY Babies, MY Bride, MY Chosen Ones and MY Elect, you who take no pride in who you are or what you can accomplish but your pride is in what I, YAHUVEH do, what I, YAHUVEH accomplish through MY Son YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH.

These are the words of encouragement I have to say to you on this Purim day of 2009. It matters not MY children, fret not amongst yourselves whether it's this day or that day for times have been changed by man, but I know your heart. It honours ME that you would approach MY throne as an Ester and I hold out MY Sceptre and HIS Name is YAHUSHUA, MY only begotten Son and I receive you and your worship and your praise has come to ME as a sweet fragrance. So keep sparkling for ME in the midst of this dung heap of earth, I look from heaven and I see you sparkle and I am honoured.

Prophecy 109:
You have thanked ME for MY faithfulness MY Beloved Ones, but I Thank you for your faithfulness. For all 5 of your faithfulness', for all 5 of you have given ME your life and said, "Use it as YOU will, use it to bring YOU Glory, use it to bring YOUR Son YAHUSHUA Glory." All 5 of you are living sacrifices unto ME. I am constantly in your thoughts. You put ME in your plans. You say, "What will YOU have me to do Abba," and this pleases ME. You faithfully, faithfully strive to obey and please ME in every way and reach souls for the Glory of MY Son. You faithfully worship and praise. You do not take US for granted.

Just because I don't answer your prayers right away, in the way that you think that I should, think not that I don't hear you. I will answer, sometimes it's yes, sometimes the answer is no and many times the answer is wait it is not MY time yet. But be assured I am not deaf I, YAHUVEH, am not blind and anything that concerns you concerns ME. I, YAHUVEH, am your Creator and I know what is best for you, even when you don't know what's best for yourself. As you faithfully trust ME, I faithfully will not let you down.

So again I want to say, Thank you for your faithfulness. Continue to trust in ME. Continue to lean not unto your own understanding. Even when you don't understand what is going on in the world, even when you don't know what to do. Continue to remain faithful, that I will show you what to do. Even when you fall MY Little Ones, I am there to faithfully pick you up and nurse your wounds. I am faithful MY Little Ones to pour MY wrath upon your enemies. Just because your own eyes don't see what I do, don't think that I am not faithful in defending you. Remain faithful and know this, the Blood of YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH will never lose its power, the healing, delivering, forgiving, resurrection power. Know this; the Word that was made flesh can not lie. Every word in the Holy Scriptures is a 'yea' and a 'amen'. MY Word will not return unto ME void it will do all that I called it to accomplish to do.